3.B Everything You Need to Know About the OCIA: Beginners to Experts! B.04 A Process of Becoming: The Spiritual Vision of the OCIA, Part One C.03 A Process of Becoming: The Spiritual Vision of the OCIA, Part Two Father Silas Henderson is a member of the Society of the Divine Savior (the Salvatorians), and he currently serves as a member of the provincial council and as Director of Planning for the United States Province of the Salvatorian Priests and Brothers. Father Silas is also a member of the Board of Directors for the United States Conference of Major Superiors of Men and holds a Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry Degree in liturgy from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Illinois, and a Masters in Theological Studies from St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in St. Meinrad, Indiana. A catechist and retreat leader who has presented across the United States and in Italy, Spain, Poland, and Tanzania, he is the author of four books and his reflections and articles on the liturgy, spirituality, and discipleship have appeared in a variety of prominent Catholic publications in the United States and Great Britain.